MantisBT - MEGA
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0000170MEGA[All Projects] Feedbackpublic2016-05-20 12:342016-05-20 12:34
normalminorhave not tried
MEGA-CC 11 (command line version) 
0000170: need auto-save for long computations
I'm using Mega6 on a PC/Windows7. The maximum likelihood analysis of long proteins runs for many hours (4-8) so I go overnight. Unfortunately this PC has a bad & random habit of freezing up when it's left inactive for varying amounts of time. Amazingly, last year it never crashed overnight, but that's what happened today. A very helpful feature would be for the program to automatically save the analysis (at least for ML) within 1 to 5' minutes after the computation is done.
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has duplicate 0000175new  Tree session file saved from NWK file gives error on reopen 
Issue History
2016-05-20 12:34guestNew Issue

Nikita Vikhrev   
1969-12-31 17:33   
Caused by the same reason with 175.