MantisBT - MEGA
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0001828MEGACalculation Errorpublic2020-03-08 10:542020-03-09 07:26
normalminorhave not tried
resolvedno change required 
MEGA 11 (Graphical Interface version) 
Hoang Kim
0001828: treating missing data and gaps in multigene phylogenetics
Report bugs or other issues regarding the MEGA software
I got a trouble to solve treating missing data/ gaps in multigene phylogenetic tree with Neighbor-joining tree. My data can use Maximum likelihood tree and Maximum parsimony tree test with only "use all sites" option, but I do not know which method MEGA program used to treat missing data and gaps. I only see the infomation about "Pairwise-Deletion" and "Complete-Deletion", not "use all sites" option. How is it different to other programs like RAxML and MrBayes? Thank you.
I also tested another published data from a paper "A multigene phylogeny toward a new phylogenetic classification of Leotiomycetes". and met similar problems.
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? 5 genes SSU LSU TEF RPB1 RPB2 2.fasta (388,514) 2020-03-08 10:54
Issue History
1969-12-31 17:33user19Note Added: 0001610
1969-12-31 17:33user19Statusnew => assigned
1969-12-31 17:33user19Assigned To => user19
1969-12-31 17:33user19Note Added: 0001684
1969-12-31 17:33user19Note Added: 0001685
1969-12-31 17:33user19Note Added: 0001686
1969-12-31 17:33user19Note Edited: 0001686
1969-12-31 17:33user19Statusassigned => closed
1969-12-31 17:33user19Resolutionopen => fixed
2020-03-08 10:54guestNew Issue
2020-03-08 10:54guestFile Added: 5 genes SSU LSU TEF RPB1 RPB2 2.fasta
2020-03-09 07:25gstecherNote Deleted: 0001610
2020-03-09 07:25gstecherNote Deleted: 0001684
2020-03-09 07:25gstecherNote Deleted: 0001685
2020-03-09 07:26gstecherNote Deleted: 0001686
2020-03-09 07:26gstecherNote Added: 0004418
2020-03-09 07:26gstecherStatusnew => resolved
2020-03-09 07:26gstecherResolutionopen => no change required
2020-03-09 07:26gstecherAssigned To => gstecher

2020-03-09 07:26   
Hi Son,

I am writing in response to your question regarding the MEGA software. Neighbor-Joining is a distance-based method so some options such as gap treatment are different than for Maximimum Likelhood and Maximium Parsimony analyses. The 'use all sites' option is not available for distance-based methods as it is not valid for the method.

Best regards,
Glen Stecher
Institute for Genomics and Evolutionary Medicine