MantisBT - MEGA
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0002415MEGA[All Projects] Feedbackpublic2020-12-08 01:402020-12-14 11:14
normalminorhave not tried
MEGA-CC 11 (command line version) 
0002415: Reltime analysis fails: please help
Hi there,

I have a large phylogeny (477 samples, 0000408:0000353 loci) that I am trying to date with RelTime. I have tried MEGA-CC with:
$ megacc -a reltime_ml_nucleotide_t20.mao -d concat_aln.fasta -t tree_concat_gene_part.nwk -g outgroup_names.grp -c Calibration_1_SapiCrown.txt -o Sapi_RelTime_2

However, it gets to "1% Preparing data", then stops after ~ 1 hour with: Error: Failure in Reltime analysis

Is there anyone that might be able to help me troubleshoot this error?

Many thanks,
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Issue History
1969-12-31 17:33user19Statusnew => assigned
1969-12-31 17:33user19Assigned To => user19
1969-12-31 17:33user19Note Added: 0002071
1969-12-31 17:33user19Statusassigned => resolved
1969-12-31 17:33user19Resolutionopen => fixed
2020-12-08 01:40guestNew Issue
2020-12-08 11:16gstecherFile Deleted: NHP2 exon.meg
2020-12-14 11:14gstecherNote Added: 0004533
2020-12-14 11:14gstecherStatusnew => resolved
2020-12-14 11:14gstecherResolutionopen => fixed
2020-12-14 11:14gstecherAssigned To => gstecher

1969-12-31 17:33   

Dear Kazuhiro,

It appears that you are using session files, which for some reason are named with a .meg extension. I looked into the problem and found that it was indeed a bug. I believe it is now fixed and we will be putting out a new version tomorrow afternoon.

Daniel Peterson
2020-12-14 11:14   
Hi Lizzy,

Thanks for sending those files. The problem is a bug in the version of MEGA that you have. It is fixed in the current Windows version (10.2.2) but we are still working on releasing it for Linux which is what it looks like you are using. An updated build of MEGA X for Linux that has the bug patched can be downloaded from: [^]
If a version is needed for Windows, it can be downloaded from the MEGA website. Thanks again for the feedback and let me know if you run into any more issues!

Best regards,
Glen Stecher