Notes |
In the Newick format, square brackets are reserved for comments as the definition. Since there is no branch length for the exterior branches, the 1.0 values for the interior branches are recognized as the confidence value "100", which is a frequently used way in other softwares like MyBayes. There is no way to distinguish them all automatically. Or, should we support Newick format for each program? |
1969-12-31 17:33
In the help documentation, we provide an example where we have confidence values in the square brackets. Using an example file which has it's confidence values in square brackets, MEGA reads it in just fine. The problem appears to be that we incorrectly identify the newick tree to be in PAUP format, where if we identified it as Phylip format everything works fine. (Calling ConvertPhylipFormat instead of ConvertPAUPFormat)
I'm looking further into what causes the file to be identified as PAUP rather than Phylip. |
Hi, Dan.
The issue is the branch lengths incorrectly described. If all ":1.0"s given to interior branches are to be recognized as branch lengths, they should be given to exterior branches too. So, if you eliminate all ":1.0"s, the tree is shown without problem. Try it.
1969-12-31 17:33
Sent the user an email explaining the problem. Will reopen this if there is need to. |
MEGA7 is no longer supported so we won't fix this |