MantisBT - MEGA
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0003007MEGA[All Projects] Feedbackpublic2021-08-24 02:522021-08-24 02:52
normalminorhave not tried
resolvedno change required 
MEGA 11 (Graphical Interface version) 
0003007: Coloring leaf node taxa IDs
I am a PhD stuent, I think MEGA is a fantastic piece of software and choose it over any other for annotating my phylogenetic trees. However, please please put in a way of coloring taxa IDs on leaf nodes (the actual text) by searching for them with a specific pattern of letters. For example, If I wanted to color all taxa IDs that have the letters 'D1' in their name the color red, I could search for 'D1' and color those strains after they are highlighted.

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Issue History
2021-08-24 02:52guestNew Issue
2021-08-24 02:52guestIssue generated from: 0000369

1969-12-31 17:33   
Dear Giancarlo
        First of all, please note that you should use a distance matrix for building phylogenetic trees (whether you use UPGMA or NJ algorithms). That is, in a pairwise distance matrix an entry of 1 should refer to maximum dissimilarity (and thus minimum similarity). You may already be doing that, but it was not clear from you e-mail, so I wanted to point it out to you.
        Second, when you provide a distance matrix to MEGA, it does not have the original data to generate bootstrapped datasets (i.e., resample with replacement). For this reason, you cannot generate any bootstrap values when using distance data in MEGA.

with best wishes

Sudhir Kumar
2017-02-16 07:56   
would be nice to have but it is a low priority