1969-12-31 17:33
Hi, Glen,
Thank you!
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Barban Zucoloto
Universidade Federal da Bahia
Instituto de Biologia
Departamento de Biologia Geral
Laboratório de Genética de Populações e Evolução Molecular
Tel.: (+55)071-3283-6539
Cel.: (+55)071-8707-1628 (OI)
Cel.: (+55)071-9374-7429 (TIM)
2013/9/3 Glen Stecher <gstecher@mainex1.asu.edu>
Hi Rodrigo,
Yes, it is easily done with MEGA-CC. First, construct the phylogeny using the sequence data and the ML method. This will produce a newick file of the inferred tree. Then you can use it to run ancestral sequence inference.
Best regards,
Glen Stecher
Application Programmer
Center for Evolutionary Medicine
Phone: 480-965-3880
Web: http://cemi.asu.edu [^]
From: Rodrigo Barban Zucoloto [mailto:rbzucoloto@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 10:31 AM
To: Glen Stecher
Subject: Re: MEGA bug
I thought that this analysis could be made without the prior statement of a tree. In my case it would be very important that a tree was estimated directly from the data by ML, because I do not have a prior information!
Thank you,
Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Barban Zucoloto
Universidade Federal da Bahia
Instituto de Biologia
Departamento de Biologia Geral
Laboratório de Genética de Populações e Evolução Molecular
Tel.: (+55)071-3283-6539
Cel.: (+55)071-8707-1628 (OI)
Cel.: (+55)071-9374-7429 (TIM)
2013/9/3 Glen Stecher <gstecher@mainex1.asu.edu>
Hello Rodrigo,
I am writing in response to the bug report you recently submitted regarding an error when running ancestral sequence inference using MEGA. It looks like the error is caused because the required Newick file for this analysis is missing. The path to this file should be given in the command string as ‘–t theTreeFile.nwk’. We will update MEGA-CC so that an informative error message is given. Thanks for the feedback.
Best regards,
Glen Stecher
Application Programmer
Center for Evolutionary Medicine
Web: http://cemi.asu.edu [^] |