MantisBT - MEGA
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0000459MEGA[All Projects] Feedbackpublic2017-05-14 16:292017-05-18 08:12
normalminorhave not tried
MEGA 11 (Graphical Interface version) 
0000459: RelTime Freeze

I'm trying to compute a timetree on a dataset with ~90,000 sites and 67 taxa. I can successfully do an analysis with Tamura-Nei substitution model + uniform rates among sites.

I would like to do an analysis with rates among sites = GTR+G+I, and substitution model GTR, but when I input these parameters, the analysis begins, but then the progress dialogue box freezes, with no progress beyond 0%. I must force quit and restart the program to do anything else with the program. Ideas?

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Issue History
2017-05-14 16:29guestNew Issue
2017-05-18 08:12gstecherAssigned To => gstecher
2017-05-18 08:12gstecherStatusnew => assigned
2017-05-18 08:12gstecherNote Added: 0003809

2017-05-18 08:12   
Hi Chris,

I am writing in response to the bug report you recently submitted regarding the MEGA software. The data set you are using is going to require quite a bit of memory and when +G is used, the memory required will increase linearly with the number of gamma categories. You can check in Windows Task Manager to see how much memory MEGA is using for the analysis. If enough memory is available, you should be able to just let the analysis run, although progress will be super slow. Otherwise, you can try decreasing the number of gamma categories to not use as much memory.

Best regards,

Glen Stecher
Institute for Genomics and Evolutionary Medicine