MantisBT - MEGA
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0005386MEGATree Explorerpublic2023-07-12 07:182023-07-12 07:18
normalminorhave not tried
MacOS Xother
MEGA 11 (Graphical Interface version) 
0005386: Program quits/errors out whenever I try to make a tree
I have been running into issues with my current version of MEGAX. I tried downloading the newest version (MEGA11) and it does not seem to fix the problem. When I take a .meg file and try to make a tree with it the program quits and encounters an error. I tried sending various different files and it happens every time, regardless of alignment length, size, etc. I also sent the file to my friend who has a Windows (vs. my 2015 Macbook running Big Sur v11.6.8) and he was able to open it and make a tree with no issues, so it's not a problem inherent to the file itself. I have a copy of the error report and have attached it.
Open MEGA, take .meg file and click "Phylogeny"/"Construct..." and literally any of the options returns the same error.
Problem was experienced with both MEGAX and MEGA11 (64-bit). I have double-checked and I am relatively certain that I have the appropriate version downloaded for my computer's OS.

*Not sure if "tree explorer" was the correct category to select above, please re-direct this message to the appropriate category if need be.
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docx 230706 - MEGA Error Report.docx (63,782) 2023-07-12 07:18
Issue History
2023-07-12 07:18guestNew Issue
2023-07-12 07:18guestFile Added: 230706 - MEGA Error Report.docx

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