MantisBT - MEGA
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0006717MEGAAlignment Explorerpublic2025-03-07 01:012025-03-07 01:01
normalminorhave not tried
MacOS Xother
MEGA-CC 10 and prior 
0006717: bugs of function MUSCLE Codon Alignment
MEGA version: 10.2.6
System: MacOS 15.3.1
When I use MEGA GUI to produce the ".mao" file with Vertebrate Mitochondrial codon table for the MUSCLE Codon Alignment function, and then use the command line (megacc -a muscle_align_coding.mao -d ATP6.fas -o ATP6) to align my sequences, I have got warnings "Stop Codon(s) are found in the translated sequences. Is the correct genetic code selected?", as well as lots of "*** WARNING *** Invalid character '*' in FASTA sequence data, ignored". Finally, I found that the GeneticCodeTable in .mao file still the "Standard", although the Genetic Code was set to Vertebrate Mitochondrial.
I have got the same warnings when I use the MUSCLE Codon Alignment function using MEGA GUI.
Besides, I was use a MacOS with ARM-based M-series chips, the MEGA GUI does not compatible with it well. I am really looking forward to the update for M-series chips of MacOS.
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? muscle_align_coding.mao (1,750) 2025-03-07 01:01
txt ATP6_summary.txt (2,946) 2025-03-07 01:01
Issue History
2025-03-07 01:01guestNew Issue
2025-03-07 01:01guestFile Added: muscle_align_coding.mao
2025-03-07 01:01guestFile Added: ATP6_summary.txt

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