This menu provides access to commands that control the display of toolbars in the alignment grid. The commands in this menu are:
Toolbars: This contains a submenu of the toolbars found in Alignment Explorer. If an item is checked, then its toolbar will be visible within the Alignment Explorer window.
Columns: This contains a submenu for toggling the display of species names and groups columns. If an item is checked, then its column will be shown.
Use Colors: If checked, Alignment Explorer displays each unique base using a unique color indicating the base type.
Background Color: If checked, then Alignment Explorer colors the background of each base with a unique color that represents the base type.
Toggle Conserved Sites: Toggles on/off the display of background color for sites with a given percent of conservation.
Font: The Font dialog window can be used to select the font used by Alignment Explorer for displaying the sequence data in the alignment grid.