Edit Menu (in Alignment Explorer)

This menu provides access to commands for editing the sequence data in the alignment grid The commands in this menu are:

Undo: This undoes the last Alignment Explorer action.

Copy: This copies the current selection to the clipboard. It may be used to copy a single base, a block of bases, or entire sequences.

Cut: This removes the current selection from the Alignment Explorer and sends it to the clipboard. This function can affect a single base, a block of bases, or entire sequences.

Paste: This pastes the contents of the clipboard into the Alignment Explorer. If the clipboard contains a block of bases, they will be pasted into the builder, starting at the point of the current selection. If the clipboard contains complete sequences, they will be added to the current alignment. For example, if the contents of a FASTA file are copied from a web browser to the clipboard, they will be pasted into the Alignment Explorer as a new sequence in the alignment.

Delete: This deletes a block of selected bases from the alignment grid.

Delete Gaps: This deletes gaps from a selected block of bases.

Insert Blank Sequence: This creates a new, empty sequence row in the alignment grid. A label and sequence data must be provided for this new row.

Insert Sequence From File: This activates an Open File dialog box that allows for the selection of a sequence data file. Once a suitable sequence data file is selected, its contents will be imported into Alignment Explorer as new sequence rows in the alignment grid.

Select Site(s): This selects the entire site column for each site within the current selection in the alignment grid.

Select Sequences: This selects the entire sequence for each site within the current selection in the alignment grid.

Select all: This selects all of the sites in the alignment grid.

Allow Base Editing: If this item is checked, it changes the base values for all cells in the alignment grid. If it is not checked, then all bases in the alignment grid are treated as read-only.

Modify All Bases to Uppercase: Changes any bases written in lowercase to uppercase.