File Menu (in Tree Explorer)

This menu has the following options:

Save Current Session: This brings up the Save As dialog box and saves all the information currently held by the Tree Explorer to a file in a binary format.  This feature allows you to retrieve the current Tree Explorer session for tree manipulation and printing.

Export Current Tree (Newick): This writes the topology of the current tree in the MEGA tree format to a specified file.  Note that only the branching pattern is stored.

Export Current Tree (Time Tree): For Time Trees, this writes the tree in a tabular format which includes relative divergence times and std errors, relative rates, and absolute divergence times if calibrations were used when constructing the tree.

Export Current Calibrations (Time Tree): For Time Trees, exports divergence time calibration constraints that were provided for generating a Time Tree.

Export All Trees (Newick) This writes the topologies of all trees in the MEGA tree format to a specified file. Note that only the branching pattern is stored.

Show Information:  This brings up the InformationHC_TEx_Information_Box dialog box.

Print: This brings up the Print dialog box and prints the current tree in the displayed size; if the displayed tree is larger than the page size, it will be printed on multiple pages.

Print in a sheet: This brings up the Print dialog box and prints the current tree, after restricting the size of the printed tree to one sheet. The current tree also can be printed using the button on the toolbar.

Printer Setup: This allows the user to setup the printer.

Exit Tree Explorer: This exits the Tree Explorer.