Maximum parsimony (MP) methods originally were developed for morphological characters, and there are many different versions (see Nei and Kumar [2000] for a review). In MEGA, we consider both of these methods for nucleotide and amino acid sequence data (Eck and Dayhoff 1966 ; Fitch 1971 ).
For constructing an MP tree, only sites at which there are at least two different kinds of nucleotides or amino acids, each represented at least twice, are used (parsimony-informative sites). Other variable sites are not used for constructing an MP tree, although they are informative for distance and maximum-likelihood methods.
MEGA estimates MP tree branch lengths by using the average pathway method for unrooted trees (see Nei and Kumar [2000] , page 132).
To search for MP Trees, MEGA provides four different types of searches: the max-mini branch -and-bound search , min-mini heuristic search , Subtree-Pruning-Regrafting (SPR) , and Tree-Bisection-Reconnection (TBR) heuristic search. Only the branch -and-bound search is guaranteed to find all the MP trees, but it takes prohibitive amount of time if the number of sequences is large (>15). For details, please see chapter 7 in Nei and Kumar (2000)