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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0006610MEGATree Explorerpublic2024-07-15 10:072024-07-15 10:07
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PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Product VersionMEGA 11 (Graphical Interface version) 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0006610: Maximum likelihood bootstrap freeze
DescriptionRunning nucleotide data through the phylogeny option > maximum likelihood analysis with bootstrapping at 500 bootstrap freezes very quickly after beginning. I've closed and attempted to rerun the data five separate times and when the analysis doesn't outright freeze on a bootstrap indefinitely, the entire program will stop responding and freeze.
Steps To ReproduceFrom the plant bioinformatics lab
1. Start MEGA and load the aligned DNA sequence in MEGA format as per Step 2 on Page 4
(File > Open a Recently Used File and choose the aligned DNA sequences in MEGA
format that you prepared earlier in this lab).
2. Under Analysis > Phylogeny > Construct/Test Maximum Likelihood Tree… set the
Phylogeny Test / Test of Phylogeny to Bootstrap, with 500 replications, and leave all the
other settings at their default values (see Appendix 2 for defaults; increasing the number of
threads might speed up the analysis, however). Click Compute to start the analysis.
3. Wait quite a bit longer than you did with the Neighbour Joining analysis. As explained in the
mini-lecture, a lot more computation is used in the Maximum Likelihood algorithm. The
progress bar will show the extent to which your analysis is complete. Once the analysis is
done, the Tree Viewer will open and display the resultant tree.
Bioinformatic Methods I Lab 4
Copyright © 2024 by D.S. Guttman and N.J. Provart 13
4. You can now manipulate and play with the tree just as you did previously. "
These are the steps I used to reach the issue.
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First NameDavid
Last NameGeiger
Attached Files? file icon bioinfomethods1_labs_Lab3,4_sequences_DNA_aligned.meg (20,619 bytes) 2024-07-15 10:07

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Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-07-15 10:07 guest New Issue
2024-07-15 10:07 guest File Added: bioinfomethods1_labs_Lab3,4_sequences_DNA_aligned.meg

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