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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0004297MEGATree Explorerpublic2022-12-28 23:152023-04-14 00:51
Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
PlatformMacOSOS X 
Product VersionMEGA-CC 11 (command line version) 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0004297: display message panel13 instead of phylogeny
DescriptionReport bugs or other issues regarding the MEGA software

MacOS 11.7 BigSur

Software version for MEGA_11.0.13 for MacOS
After computing 1000 bootstrap maximum likelihood tree under JTT+G+F model, when I click to display BootstrapTree, the screen shows panel13 only without display the tree. Do you have any idea what could be wrong?

Thank you for your time and input.
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First NameYue
Last NameGuan
Attached Filespng file icon Screen Shot 2022-12-29 at 9.15.08 AM.png (1,488,745 bytes) 2022-12-28 23:15

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-  Notes
1969-12-31 17:33

Hi Charlotte,

I’m responding to the message you sent us about getting a virus from MEGA. We have checked our downloads and confirmed that they have not been modified to include any malicious code (virus).

Can you please reply with the name of your antivirus vendor and version? Did your antivirus program alert saying that the MEGA program itself was a virus, or rather that there were viruses which appeared around the time you downloaded MEGA? If the antivirus said MEGA itself was a virus, then that is a false positive and we will submit a ticket to that anti-virus manufacturer to let them know it is safe. As a precaution we also did a virus scan of our entire website, with no viruses detected.

Daniel Peterson
MEGA Application Developer
Center for Evolutionary Medicine and Informatics
guest (reporter)
2023-04-14 00:51 [^] [tungsten carbide inserts] [^] [ [^]] [^] [carbide insert] [^] [tungsten rods price] [^] [cast iron inserts] [^] [ [^]] [^] [threading insert] [^] [common turning inserts] [^] [ [^]]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
1969-12-31 17:33 user19 Note Added: 0002969
1969-12-31 17:33 user19 Status new => assigned
1969-12-31 17:33 user19 Assigned To => user19
1969-12-31 17:33 user19 Status assigned => resolved
1969-12-31 17:33 user19 Resolution open => fixed
2022-12-28 23:15 guest New Issue
2022-12-28 23:15 guest File Added: Screen Shot 2022-12-29 at 9.15.08 AM.png
2023-04-14 00:51 guest Note Added: 0006341

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