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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0004555MEGATree Explorerpublic2023-02-16 04:082023-04-14 00:44
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PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Product VersionMEGA Website 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0004555: The app spontaneously stops the Tree building and closes.
DescriptionThe app spontaneously stops the Tree building and closes. It happened with ML tree on different devices with the same file after some replicates of bootstrap, and none error notifications appeared.
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First NamePolina
Last NameChernigova
Attached Files? file icon Dec2_COX1 protein 21 species ML.mts (14,995 bytes) 1969-12-31 17:33

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-  Notes
1969-12-31 17:33

Hello Megan,

 I am writing in response to the bug report that you recently submitted regarding the MEGA software. The problem with the captions is definitely a bug that has recently been introduced in MEGA. Unfortunately, MEGA’s session saving system was not well designed in terms of being able to maintain backwards compatibility but we are working on improving the system. The second issue is actually a bug fix. The ability to display scaled bootstrap consensus trees in MEGA has been removed because there are cases where MEGA’s estimation of branch lengths for these trees may not be correct. Although the topology of the consensus trees is correct, they sometimes contain multi-furcations due to the partition frequency cut-offs which are used internally by MEGA for resolving the consensus tree. Estimates of branch lengths in these cases are not correct, as the collapsed partitions have non-zero lengths in reality but they are not statistically resolved (i.e., lack of significance by bootstrap method) and so they are drawn accordingly on the screen.

Best regards,

Glen Stecher
1969-12-31 17:33

we need to fix this issue if possible. However, we may not be able to do so.
guest (reporter)
2023-04-14 00:44 [^] [carbide inserts] [^] [central and intermediate inserts] [^] [special inserts] [^] [carbide round rod] [^] [steel inserts] [^] [ [^]] [^] [ [^]] [^] [ [^]] [^] [turning inserts price]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
1969-12-31 17:33 user614 Note Added: 0003185
1969-12-31 17:33 user614 Status new => resolved
1969-12-31 17:33 user614 Assigned To => user614
1969-12-31 17:33 user614 Note Added: 0003186
1969-12-31 17:33 user614 Status resolved => confirmed
2023-02-16 04:08 guest New Issue
2023-04-14 00:44 guest Note Added: 0006244

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