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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0005291MEGAAlignment Explorerpublic2023-06-28 08:042023-06-28 08:04
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PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Product VersionMEGA 11 (Graphical Interface version) 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0005291: Missing support for "Dark style"
DescriptionHello, I'm a student that is using MEGA for some college activities. I installed the most recent rpm version, but I have some problems with its interface. I'm using the default system wide "Dark style", and a lot of the dialogs, options and messages have dark text on dark background, light text on light background or dark text on light background (ignoring dark style altogether).
Steps To Reproduce## Alignment explorer
1. Enable "Dark style"
2. Launch MEGA
3. File > "Open a file/session..." > select a fasta file > Align
### What is expected
Sequence names on the alignment explorer have light text on dark background
### What is seen
Sequence names on the alignment explorer will have black text on dark grey background

## Unavailable menu options
1. Enable "Dark style"
2. Launch MEGA
3. File > "Open a file/session..." > select a fasta file > Align
### What is expected
Unavailable options will have a weaker contrast against dark background
### What is seen
Unavailable options have black color with white shadow, making them difficult to read

## General dialog options
1. Enable "Dark style"
2. Launch MEGA
3. File > "Open a file/session..." > select a MEGA alignment file
4.1. Analysis > Models > "Find best DNA/protein models (ML)..."
4.2. Analysis > Distance > "Compute pairwise distances..."
### What is expected
Dark background on all options in dialog
Checkbox option names have light text on dark background
Numerical option fields "edit mode" to have light text on dark background
Selection fields "selected state" to have light text on dark background
### What is seen
Checkbox option names have very light grey text on white background
Numerical option fields "edit mode" has very dark grey text on dark background
Selection fields "selected state" has the same grey color for both text and background, while "selection mode" has the correct light text on dark background

## New alignment dialog ("Data type for alignment" dialog)
1. Enable "Dark style"
2. Launch MEGA
3. Align > "Edit/build alignment..." > "Create a new alignment"
### What is expected
"Data type for alignment" dialog with light text and dark background
### What is seen
Dialog with dark grey text on dark background, so I cannot read neither options nor explanation text

## Pairwise distances matrix
1. Enable "Dark style"
2. Launch MEGA
3. File > "Open a file/session..." > select a MEGA alignment file
4. Analysis > Distance > "Compute pairwise distances..." > OK
### What is expected
Column and row names to have light text on dark background
### What is seen
Column and row names have black text on dark background

## Pairwise distance matrix "Text file editor and format converter"
1. Enable "Dark style"
2. Launch MEGA
3. File > "Open a file/session..." > select a MEGA alignment file
4. Analysis > Distance > "Compute pairwise distances..." > OK
5. Save icon ("floppy disk") > Output format > "CSV" > OK
### What is expected
Text file editor to have light text on dark background
### What is seen
Text file editor has white text on white background
Additional InformationLinux Fedora 38 (kernel release 6.3.8)
GNOME Shell version 44.2
Theme is "Dark"
GNOME Tweaks legacy applications's theme is "Adwaita-dark"
MEGA version 11.0.3

MEGA seens to listen to GNOME Tweaks legacy applications's theme instead of system wide one.
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First NameJunior
Last NameMartins
Attached Fileszip file icon (313,303 bytes) 2023-06-28 08:04

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Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-06-28 08:04 guest New Issue
2023-06-28 08:04 guest File Added:

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